
Social Security Law

Contributions: Disputes between companies, companies, organizations and social security institutions.


The  Law Firm takes care of all the litigation related to the matter of contributions, which the employer pays or must pay to the institutions social security. In particular of all those disputes that concern the identification of the taxable income based on the what the contribution due is calculated, then the remuneration subject to social security contribution. Civil sanctions for omitted or irregular payment of the contribution. Taxability of items such as the various indemnities paid in the course of the employment relationship, the so-called.

Fringe Benefit, Tax relief for Southern Italy, tax assessment of social security contributions, solidarity contracts, Earnings redundancy fundordinary and extraordinary, mobility procedures, indemnity of unemployment. Supplementary pensions, special pension funds (INPS, Inail, Inpdap, Enpals, Pension funds for freelancers, Enpam, Enpav, Inpgi).


Benefits: Disputes between pensioners and social security institutions.

In particularly all the social security litigation linked to the services that is, disputes between pensioners or pensioners and institutions Social security, in addition to the problems related to the redemption of the periods  of studies, degree, military service etc., to the rejoining of the insurance periods with a single pension management, voluntary and figurative contribution. Problems related to the accumulation of retirement benefits or accumulation of pension income from work, equalization of pensions, disability pension, retirement and old-age pension. Pensions for survivors, civil disability, Inail income, accident protection on work and occupational diseases, biological damage, fair cases indemnity and privileged pensions to the Court of Auditors.  Engineers, architects, accountants, doctors, commercial agents, journalists.


Labor law


 Subordinate, Parasubordinate, autonomous, Agency and commercial representation, Public placement, part-time, part-time, apprenticeship, training and work, administration, temporary work, non-competition agreement, breach of loyalty obligation, remuneration, working hours, overtime,  severance indemnity, leave allowed, maternity leave, outsourcing, transfer of the worker, transfer, safety and health in the workplace, resignation, dismissal, collective dismissal, mobility allowance redundancy, journalism, Enasarco, anti-union conduct, arbitration, administrative sanctions in matters of work, Accidents at work, disciplinary measures


Public Employment

 Human Resources, Higher duties, disciplinary sanctions, dismissals, maternity leave, leave, arbitration, insolvency proceedings, management, Local Bodies, Healthcare, Parastate, Ministries Section, competitions, demotion, Corte Conti,


Civil Law

Copyright & Entertainment Law, Media

Real estate, leases and condo, easement, usucapion, divisions, family  law,  medical professional responsibility.